Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Gophering Like a Movie Star - Weekend Update

I was a gopher on a movie set this past weekend. Gopher duties included bringing coffee at 7:30am on a Saturday, keeping up with water and ice requests, and documenting the shoot, i.e. taking pictures to keep myself occupied. The movie is a 5-minute comedy featuring Conan the Librarian. I learned over an 11-hour period that movie productions involve lots of waiting around and amusing conversations. I met some interesting folks and it's something I'd definitely do for next year's competition. I came home after picking up Lucy and promptly fell asleep for 9 hours without changing clothes.

EDIT: The movie is showing July 25th at Riverdale 10. There are multiple viewings; more information here.

Gophering was also Phase I of Operation Nasty Sunburn.

Sunday was spent swimming and working my way through Phase II of Operation Nasty Sunburn. We also played fun pool games like Rickshaw (pulling your friend around the pool while impersonating a rickshaw driver) and Dump-The-Dog-In-The-Pool.

Needless to say, if you're as white as me, you're going to burn like you're in Hell. I took Monday off and doped myself with Benadryl to reduce the redness and swelling.

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